QRS Quality Rack Service

QRS is a comprehensive safety management service in warehousing processes. The innovativeness of the service is based on the support for the works of the author’s IT system – RQM, which supervises the process of controlling the technical condition of warehouse racks and automates the processes related to data analysis and reports generation.

Work safety in the warehouse is a necessity resulting from the increase in the effectiveness of logistics systems. The value of stored goods is significantly higher than the value of the equipment itself, so maintaining proper technical condition allows to reduce the risk of a catastrophe caused by the damage or collapse of the warehouse rack structure.

Work safety in the warehouse is regulated by the revised European standard EN 15635. The new European standard EN 15635 requires that the rack structures are regularly inspected by expert companies in accordance with a specific inspection procedure.

The essence of the QRS service is:

  • Compliance of the inspection procedure with EN 15635
  • Short inspection time by automating part of the work involved in generating reports and lists of items to be replaced
  • Independent maintenance from the rack manufacturer.
  • Support for all types of racks – pallet, shelving, drive-in, roll racks
  • Analysis of the completeness of rack documentation
  • The maintenance of installations of all sizes – the procedures for checking the technical condition of rack equipment are the same for small warehouses with 100 mpl as for large warehouses with 30,000 mpl.

Selecting QRS you receive the highest quality of service and guarantee that the service performed will contribute to the increase in the safety of your employees and stored goods.

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    Complex management of warehouse rack safety – rack inspections, service of all manufacturers’ racks with the restoration of rack documentation and admission for utilization.
    • Documentation audit
    • Rack inspections
    • Preparation of the budget for the maintenance of rack equipment
    • Service and repair of racks
    • Training “Safe usage of warehouse racks”
    • Restoration of the technical documentation with admission for usage