Designing logistic systems
The leading aspect of our business is the design of logistics systems.
With STERLOG, you can design a new logistics system for your company that will enable you to achieve the highest level of efficiency while optimising your investment and operating costs.
Extensive experience in designing logistics and warehouse systems ensures the highest standard of services.
Our projects are comprehensive, taking into account:
- Customer requirements
- Logistics technology
- Transport equipment
- IT system
- Distribution organisation
- Market requirements
- Other factors specific to the industry and products.
STERLOG approach to the project philosophy, ensures that your system will be customized to the current and future needs of your company and will not be a compromise between available space and functionality.
The design of a logistics system involves the development of multi-variant conceptual designs for selected warehousing techniques. We present a number of solutions from which we select together with the customer the one that is the most optimal from the perspective of investment expenditures and achieved efficiency.
The last stage is the technology project, which includes:
- Organization and information technology
- Technology procedures
- Supply and implementation of IT systems
- Extension of the ERP system with WMS, TMS and MES modules
- Logistics system efficiency and productivity
- Technical equipment
- Development of the facility’s technical specifications
- Supply of warehouse equipment
- Management and control of warehouse operations
- Logistics costs
- Investment expenditures
- Simulation of operating costs
The aim of each project is to maximize the usability of the system while optimizing logistics costs.